Mystories in the cloud

Forest Bathing

At 71 years old, I’ve just discovered something amazing: trees don’t just bring beauty to our world; they actively promote human health! This year, I read my first article about how trees benefit us, and it’s been a game-changer.

As I dug deeper, I learned about Phytoncides—the incredible natural compounds trees release. These compounds enhance our immune system by boosting the activation of Natural Killer cells and their effector molecules. Isn’t that incredible?

Surprisingly, this powerful, natural health benefit hasn’t been widely emphasized by our medical community here in America. But it’s never too late to embrace this wisdom. I, for one, am ready to spend more time among the trees.
I plan to hug many trees along the way!


Read about the benefits of forest bathing for yourself!

Forest bathing

Listen to how this man cured his cancer by forest bathing!

Health vs Cancer

The science behind forest bathing  


Essential oils have phytoncides

Essential oils